Controlled water deficit and its effect on the yield and quality of three potato varieties


  • Ernesto Sifuentes-Ibarra Valle del Fuerte Experimental Field-INIFAP. Mexico-Nogales international highway km 1 609, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, Mexico. CP. 81110
  • Waldo Ojeda-Bustamante Colegio Mexicano de Ingenieros en Irrigación. Vicente Garrido no. 106, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. CP. 62230.
  • Jaime Macías-Cervantes Campo Experimental Valle del Fuerte-INIFAP. Carretera internacional México-Nogales km 1 609, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110
  • Rosa Isabel Merino-Leyva Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Calle 16 y Av. Japaraqui, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110
  • Pablo Preciado-Rangel Tecnológico Nacional de México-Instituto Tecnológico de Torreón. Carretera Torreón-San Pedro km 7.5, Ejido Ana, Torreón, Coahuila, México. CP. 27170
  • Jesús del Rosario Ruelas-Islas Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Calle 16 y Av. Japaraqui, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110



Solanum tuberosum L., comprehensive model, growing degree-days (GDD), water use efficiency


The quantity and quality of potato tubers are related to irrigation. We studied the effect of three levels of water deficit (L= low, M= medium, and H= high) on the yield and quality of three potato varieties (Fiana, Atlantic, and Ágata), induced by varying the parameter α3 of the maximum allowable deficit (MAD) function of a comprehensive irrigation programming model. The work was carried out in the north of Sinaloa, Mexico (autumn-winter cycle 2015-2016), using a design in divided plots with two factors and four repetitions, where the large plots were the levels of water deficit and the sub-plots were the varieties. There was a significant effect (p= 95%) on yield (Y) as it decreased by 3.65 t ha-1 in H compared to L. In the variety factor, Fiana and Ágata were the best in quantity and quality, with Fiana standing out with fewer noncommercial (NCO) tubers. In the water deficit-variety interaction, Fiana was the best, with more tubers of first and second quality (Q1 and Q2) in L. In M, Ágata was the best in Y but the lowest in Q1 and highest in deformed (DEF) and NCO. In H, the behavior was similar; Ágata was the best but with less Q1 and Q2 and a significant presence of DEF and NCO. A 29.5, 28.8, and 28.4 cm water requirement was estimated in L, M, and H, respectively. The behavior of Fiana suggests managing it under drip irrigation, while Ágata under gravity irrigation and limited water conditions.


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How to Cite

Sifuentes-Ibarra, Ernesto, Waldo Ojeda-Bustamante, Jaime Macías-Cervantes, Rosa Isabel Merino-Leyva, Pablo Preciado-Rangel, and Jesús del Rosario Ruelas-Islas. 2023. “Controlled Water Deficit and Its Effect on the Yield and Quality of Three Potato Varieties”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 14 (8). México, ME:e3202.




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