Indicators of soil quality and sustainable productivity with conservation agriculture
aggregate stability, conservation agriculture, MESMIS, soil organic carbon, sustainabilityAbstract
The intensive use of the disc plow and its turning action in the agricultural soils of the semi-arid of Mexico has generated severe degradation of physical and chemical properties. This study aimed to evaluate the structural state of a soil (Xerosol) subjected to conservation agriculture to know the soil quality indicators (SQIs) and sustainability indices. In a long-term experiment (1995-2020), under a corn-triticale rotation under irrigation, two soil management systems were evaluated: 1) conventional tillage and 2) conservation agriculture. The indicators evaluated were texture, bulk density, soil organic carbon, structural stability index, aggregate stability by mean weight diameter, total porosity, pore distribution, air-filled porosity, moisture constants (ɵs, FC and PWP), stored water sheet, saturated hydraulic conductivity, pH, electrical conductivity, and grain and forage yield. The results showed a statistical difference between conventional tillage and conservation agriculture (ɑ= 0.05) in 18 of the 19 SQIs analyzed. The highest estimated sustainability was for CA, with 85%, compared to conventional tillage, which was 59%. Conservation agriculture presented greater structural stability with higher porosity values and lower bulk density, which is favorable for the sustainability of soil structure and crop yields.
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