Amaranth-processing famiempresas in Santiago Tulyehualco, Xochimilco




family-business links, family patrimony, family self-employment


The contribution of micro and small enterprises to the Gross Domestic Product is small, but they are the main sources of employment in Mexico. The present research studied famiempresas that process amaranth in Santiago Tulyehualco, Xochimilco Borough. The main objective was to characterize their cultural, economic and affective characteristics that have allowed them to survive. The collection of information was carried out between 2018 and 20019 through surveys applied to owners or people in charge and workers of micro and small enterprises, which contained qualitative and quantitative data. The surveys were designed in Excel® to make the application and capture simultaneously and subsequently, the data were statistically processed with SPSS®. This information was complemented by semi-structured interviews and observation visits in the production workshops. The results indicate that the owners started the business investing their own resources for the self-employment of their families and to continue with the tradition of processing amaranth. In the famiempresas there are no fixed schedules, not all activities are remunerated, the development of skills occurs through the transmission of knowledge from one generation to another, relationships with customers are direct contact; entrepreneurs do not keep accurate administrative records nor is there a business plan, the owners would like to expand their enterprise, but very few have achieved this goal, although they are satisfied to have created a family patrimony and jobs for their families. It is concluded that micro and small amaranth-processing enterprises are famiempresas because they have a strong identity link between the family and the enterprise in the town of Santiago Tulyehualco.


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Author Biography

Rocio Ramírez-Jaspeado, Programa de Economía. Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Montecillo. Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México. CP. 56230. Tel. 595 9520200.

Investigadora Colaboradora

Programa de Economía. Colegio de Postgraduados-Montecillo. Km. 36.5 Carretera México-Texcoco, Montecillo, Municipio de Texcoco, Estado de México. C.P. 56230.


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How to Cite

Chávez-Bermudez, Yajaira Floricel, Esteban Valtierra-Pacheco, Aurelio León-Merino, Rocio Ramírez-Jaspeado, and José de Jesús Brambila-Paz. 2022. “Amaranth-Processing Famiempresas in Santiago Tulyehualco, Xochimilco”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (1). México, ME:127-40.




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