Use of remote sensing for the determination of the Kc of the fig crop




Ficus carica L., crop coefficient (Kc), satellite images


The fig crop has been introduced as a potential fruit alternative in our country. Nevertheless, there is little information regarding the efficient management of the fig crop, such as the crop coefficient, which is of great importance for the programming of efficient irrigation; through irrigation sheets that provide the crop with the water requirement for its production. Through satellite images, the normalized difference vegetation index, and the reference crop coefficient, an equation of the crop coefficient was determined for the fig crop with the power to provide technical information for irrigation programs.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Macias, Karla Janeth, Selenne Yuridia Márquez-Guerrero, Jorge Arnaldo Orozco-Vidal, and Arturo Reyes-González. 2023. “Use of Remote Sensing for the Determination of the Kc of the Fig Crop”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 14 (7). México, ME:e3293.




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