Competitiveness and revealed comparative advantage of Mexico’s Hass avocado exports
export, import, indicators, productionAbstract
Worldwide, avocado production in Mexico ranks first with 2.39 million tonnes, of which 1.34 million tonnes were destined for export in 2020, contributing more than 42.5% to the world export market. The most important markets for avocados produced in Mexico are the United States of America, Canada, and Japan, where the United States accounted for 77% of Mexican avocado exports in 2020. The competitiveness and revealed comparative advantage of Mexican avocado exports from 2003 to 2020 in the world market were analyzed; the following were obtained in 2020 as values of competitiveness indicators: an export coefficient of 56.2%, an export specialization coefficient of 1.29, a tradability index of 1.29, a revealed comparative advantage index of exports of 0.9 and a normalized revealed comparative advantage index of the exports of -0.05; these last two indicators of revealed comparative advantage refer to exports to the United States of America in 2020. The results obtained reflect the competitiveness and comparative advantage of avocado exports produced in Mexico at the international level.
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