Forage and seed production of eight grasses at the establishment in Tulancingo, Hidalgo
Bouteloua, native American grasses, reconversionAbstract
The objective of the study was to evaluate, in the first year of establishment, the number of plants established, forage production, morphological composition, seed yield, physical and physiological quality of seed in seven native Mexican grasses and buffel, in Tulancingo, Hidalgo. The experiment was established in April 2020 under irrigation in a completely randomized block design. To analyze the data, GLM of SAS and Tukey (α= 0.05) were used. In the establishment, the highest number of established plants (14 plants m-2; p< 0.05) was observed in gigante. The highest production of forage in dry matter was observed in buffel and gigante (5 814 and 5 094 t ha-1; p> 0.05) respectively, followed by engordador grass (3 619 kg ha-1; p< 0.001). The highest weight per plant was observed in buffel (62 g plant-1; p< 0.001), while the highest leaf:stem ratio (p< 0.001) was observed in navajita (2.7) and banderita Herguz (2.59). In seed production, gigante grass produced the largest amount with 685 kg ha-1 (p< 0.01), filling, viability and therefore, the largest amount of viable pure seed per hectare (p< 0.001). Gigante, buffel and engordador are grasses that can be potential species of grass for reconversion in the Tulancingo Valley.
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