Biostimulant application increases yield components of Bill Z Pinto beans in southern Sonora


  • J. Eliseo Ortiz Enríquez Experimental Field “Norman Borlaug”-INIFAP. Norman E. Bouleaug Highway km 12, Col. Valle del Yaqui Cajeme, Obregon City, Sonora, Mexico. CP. 85000
  • Ofelda Peñuelas-Rubio National Technological Institute of Mexico-Technological Institute of the Yaqui Valley. Technological Avenue s/n, Bacum, Sonora, Mexico. CP. 67170
  • Leandris Argentel-Martínez National Technological Institute of Mexico-Technological Institute of the Yaqui Valley. Technological Avenue s/n, Bacum, Sonora, Mexico. CP. 67170
  • Pedro Félix Valencia Experimental Field “Norman Borlaug”-INIFAP. Norman E. Bouleaug Highway km 12, Col. Valle del Yaqui Cajeme, Obregon City, Sonora, Mexico. CP. 85000
  • Isidoro Padilla Valenzuela Experimental Field “Norman Borlaug”-INIFAP. Norman E. Bouleaug Highway km 12, Col. Valle del Yaqui Cajeme, Obregon City, Sonora, Mexico. CP. 85000
  • José Á. Marroquín Morales Experimental Field “Norman Borlaug”-INIFAP. Norman E. Bouleaug Highway km 12, Col. Valle del Yaqui Cajeme, Obregon City, Sonora, Mexico. CP. 85000



Phaseolus vulgaris L., foliar nutrition, pods per plant


Taking into consideration the importance of beans for human nutrition, and the contribution of local production to the regional food security in the south of the state of Sonora, a trial was established during the spring-summer 2020 cultivation cycle in the Block 2110 of the Yaqui Valley. The experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of the application of three commercial biostimulants in the yield components of bean, variety Pinto Bill Z. Four treatments with four repetitions were established: T1 (FloraStart®); T2 (Austar®); T3 (mixture of Tricel-20® + Aminocel 500®, 1:1 ratio) and T4 (control, without biostimulant application) in a completely randomized experimental design. The treatments were applied only once during the flowering phenophase R6. The variables evaluated were number of pods per plant, pod length, number of grains per pod, grain mass per pod and per plant, and grain yield. The use of biostimulants increased the number of pods per plant in the evaluated variety. The pod length and the number of grains per pod did not show significant variation with respect to control. The T1 was the one that most contributed to the increase in the number of pods per plant, to the individual grain mass and, consequently, to the grain yield (5.4 t ha-1), with an increase of 2.3 t ha-1 with respect to the control, which demonstrates the feasibility of their application to increase the production of Bill Z Pinto beans in southern Sonora.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Enríquez, J. Eliseo, Ofelda Peñuelas-Rubio, Leandris Argentel-Martínez, Pedro Félix Valencia, Isidoro Padilla Valenzuela, and José Á. Marroquín Morales. 2022. “Biostimulant Application Increases Yield Components of Bill Z Pinto Beans in Southern Sonora”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (2). México, ME:371-76.



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