Adaptability of varietal crosses of corn in the states of Veracruz and Tabasco


  • Mauro Sierra-Macías Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP. Carretera Veracruz-Córdoba km 34.5, Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz, México. CP. 92277. Tel. 800 088222, ext. 87252
  • Flavio A. Rodríguez-Montalvo Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP. Carretera Veracruz-Córdoba km 34.5, Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz, México. CP. 92277. Tel. 800 088222, ext. 87252
  • Alejandro Espinosa-Calderón2 Campo Experimental Valle de México-INIFAP. Carretera Los Reyes-Texcoco km 13.5, Coatlinchán Texcoco, Estado de México. CP. 56250
  • Margarita Tadeo-Robledo Ingeniería Agrícola-Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Carretera Cuautitlán-Teoloyucan km 2.5, Cuatitlán Izcalli, Estado de México. CP. 54714.
  • Pablo Andrés-Meza Universidad Veracruzana
  • Noel Gómez-Montiel Campo Experimental Iguala-INIFAP. Carretera Iguala-Tuxpan km 2.5, Iguala de la Independencia, Guerrero. CP. 40000



Zea mays L., heterosis, tropics


Varietal crosses represent an alternative in the commercial production of hybrid corn due to the heterosis that results from crossing two free-pollinated varieties. Thus, in order to know the yield and adaptability of varietal crosses of corn, during the spring-summer cycles 2016, 2017 and 2018, 20 varietal corn crosses, five experimental synthetics, the varieties VS-536 and V-537C and the hybrid H-520 used as controls, were evaluated in Veracruz and Tabasco. These experiments were distributed under a randomized complete block design with 28 treatments and three repetitions in plots of two furrows 5 m long, 80 cm apart, at a density of 62 500 plants ha-1. From the combined analysis of variance for grain yield, statistical significance at 0.01 probability was found for genotypes (G), for environments (E) and for the GxE interaction. According to the stability parameters, the 28 genotypes were characterized as stable, the varietal hybrids outstanding in yield at 0.01 probability were: SINT-2BxVS-536, SINT-4BxVS-536, SINT-4BxSINT-2B, SINT-5BxVS-537C, VS-536xV-537C, SINT-3BxSINT-1BQ, SINT-2BxVS-537C, SINT-5BxVS-536, SINT-1BQxVS-536, SINT-5BxSINT-1BQ with grain yield of 6.45 to 7.21 t ha-1, which exceeded the commercial control H-520, likewise, the percentages of heterosis with respect to the best parent were: 19.76, 13.46, 11.29, 8.54, 16.9, 5.46, 7.64, 6.24, 6.07, and 5.91%, for each hybrid, respectively, of the comparisons and t-tests, the varietal crosses had an average yield of 6.39 t ha-1, significantly higher by 8% in relation to that of the parents.


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How to Cite

Sierra-Macías, Mauro, Flavio A. Rodríguez-Montalvo, Alejandro Espinosa-Calderón, Margarita Tadeo-Robledo, Pablo Andrés-Meza, and Noel Gómez-Montiel. 2023. “Adaptability of Varietal Crosses of Corn in the States of Veracruz and Tabasco”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 14 (3). México, ME:327-37.




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