Spatial behavior of the branch borer in avocado using the SADIE method in the State of Mexico
infestation maps, infested area, krigingAbstract
Avocado presents different phytosanitary problems that affect its good development and decrease production, one of these problems is the branch borer (Copturus aguacatae), an insect that generates damage by boring the pith of the branch and, in large infestations, causes abortion of flowers and breaking of branches, it is also considered a pest of quarantine interest. The populations of this insect and the economic importance it represents makes it important to implement studies that allow knowing the spatial distribution of the borer within the avocado orchards, in order to apply control measures that are effective. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of Copturus aguacatae in avocado using the technique of Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices. The short-term spatial-temporal stability of the pest was determined with the association index of Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices, the results showed that the populations of the branch borer are distributed in an aggregate way within the study areas in several centers, with the density maps elaborated using the Kriging technique, the aforementioned distribution was corroborated. It was not possible to determine a spatial and temporal stability of the insect populations at all sampling dates. Infestations did not occur on 100% of the area of the avocado plots, which is important since, in this way, control measures can be directed on specific areas of infestation.
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