Yield and stability of soybean genotypes for the tropics of Mexico


  • Nicolás Maldonado Moreno Campo Experimental Las Huastecas-INIFAP. Carretera Tampico-Mante km 55, Villa Cuauhtémoc, Tamaulipas, México. CP. 89610
  • Juan Samuel Guadalupe Jesús Alcalá Rico Campo Experimental Las Huastecas-INIFAP. Carretera Tampico-Mante km 55, Villa Cuauhtémoc, Tamaulipas, México. CP. 89610
  • Guillermo Ascencio Luciano Campo Experimental Las Huastecas-INIFAP. Carretera Tampico-Mante km 55, Villa Cuauhtémoc, Tamaulipas, México. CP. 89610
  • Julio César García Rodríguez Campo Experimental Las Huastecas-INIFAP. Carretera Tampico-Mante km 55, Villa Cuauhtémoc, Tamaulipas, México. CP. 89610




biplot, ideal genotype, relative yield


Currently, climate change forces plant breeders to develop genotypes adapted to mega-environments, which guarantees the correct production of the crop. The objective of this study was to determine the potential in grain yield and stability of soybean genotypes. For these purposes, 15 soybean genotypes (seven varieties and eight experimental lines) were evaluated over four years (2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017), in a 5x5 square lattice design with three repetitions. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences in years, genotypes, and in the genotype-by-year interaction. Being the source of variation years, the one that had the greatest impact on yield with 84.3%, followed by the genotype-by-year interaction (10%) and genotypes (5.6%). Likewise, the conditions of 2014 were more conducive for genotypes to have a higher yield. Regarding genotypes, G15, G7, G5 and G2 had the highest yield values throughout the four years. In terms of stability and yield, the relative yield method and the GGE Biplot representation agreed that the genotypes that have these two characteristics are G7 and G2. On the other hand, two mega-environments formed, being genotype G15 the winner with respect to its performance in the first mega-environment, where the years 2015, 2016 and 2017 were included, in the same way, genotype G5 was the winner in the second mega-environment constituted by the year 2014. The two methods when complementing each other mostly explained the phenotypic variation in yield.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Moreno, Nicolás, Juan Samuel Guadalupe Jesús Alcalá Rico, Guillermo Ascencio Luciano, and Julio César García Rodríguez. 2021. “Yield and Stability of Soybean Genotypes for the Tropics of Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 12 (8). México, ME:1351-62. https://doi.org/10.29312/remexca.v12i8.2267.




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