Prolonged storage affects the nutritional quality and cooking time of ayocote beans


  • Priscila Vázquez-Herrera Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Ciudad Serdán
  • Oswaldo Rey Taboada-Gaytán Puebla Campus-Postgraduate College. Boulevard Forjadores of Puebla no. 205, Santiago Momoxpan, San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. CP. 72760



Phaseolus coccineus, protein content, seed cooking


The consumption of ayocote beans is recommended because of their high protein content, but rural producers prefer to consume common beans and store ayocote seeds for occasional consumption or until their demand in the market makes their commercialization more profitable. The effect of the storage period on the cooking time and nutritional quality of ayocote bean seeds was studied. During 2021, the content of carbohydrates, ash, fiber, fat, and protein was determined, as well as the cooking times of ayocote seeds of a variety with black grain produced in different years (2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020) and localities. One variety of ayocote beans with white seed and one of common black beans (CPV-F52) produced in 2020 were used as controls. Data were analyzed under a completely randomized design with three repetitions; the comparison of means was made with Tukey's test (p< 0.05). The ayocote seeds of 2017 and 2018 presented similar percentages of protein (22.49% and 22.77%) and cooking times (253 and 226 min), while those produced in 2020 had 25.43% and 108 min, respectively; the CPV-F52 variety presented a protein content of 27.61% and a cooking time of 105 min. The protein content of ayocote bean seeds decreases as the storage period increases, while the cooking time increases proportionally to the duration of storage.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Herrera , Priscila, and Oswaldo Rey Taboada-Gaytán. 2023. “Prolonged Storage Affects the Nutritional Quality and Cooking Time of Ayocote Beans”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 14 (29). México, ME:e3542.




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