Prickly pear glochids for commercial production of oyster mushroom
Pleurotus sp., carpophores, production parameters, substratesAbstract
Prickly pear glochids were evaluated as an improvement component of substrate for the commercial production of Pleurotus sp. carpophores through the productivity parameters of earliness (E), biological efficiency (%, BE), yield (%, Y), production rate (%, PR) and economic indicators. Whole (EE) or ground (EM) glochids were mixed with oat straw (RA) in proportions of 20%, 30% and 40%, in addition to the traditional control (100% oat straw) in a completely randomized design with six repetitions per treatment. The harvest began 30 days after sowing the mycelium, at the time when the gill of the carpophores had thinned edges. The response variables were subjected to an analysis of variance and comparison of means with a confidence level of 95%. The addition of ground glochids significantly decreased the number of days (E) needed for colonization with respect to the control. The best treatments for commercial production were: 60RA-40EM with yield (Y) percentage of 38.3 ±10.9, BE of 132.3 ±37.5% and PR of 3 ±0.9% and treatment 70RA-30EM with Y of 38.2 ±9.4%, BE of 124.7 ±30.7% and PR of 3 ±0.6%. Substrates with whole glochids also met the criterion of productive quality, with Ys greater than 10% and BEs greater than 100%. The use of 40% of EM represented savings in straw consumption with an increase in annual net profit of $3 353.53, compared to traditional production management. The by-product of the waste from the processing of prickly pear is an economically feasible option for the commercial production of Pleurotus sp.
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