Potential use of prickly pear glochids as a substrate for the production of Pleurotus sp. mycelium.
Opuntia ficus indica, characterization of Pleurotus sp. mycelium, degree of invasionAbstract
The glochids of prickly pear fruits were valued as a substrate-improving component for the production of Pleurotus sp. mycelium, through indicators of macroscopic colonization and characterization of the mycelium at the stereoscopic level. Glochids of prickly pear produced in Nopaltepec, Mexico, were used. Mycelium (F2) from the collection of strains of the Institute of Ecology, AC, was integrated with mixtures in different proportions (% in weight) of sorghum (S) grains and ground (EM) or whole (EE) glochids according to the following treatments: control, 90S-10EM, 80S-20EM, 70S-30EM, 90S-10EE, 80S-20EE and 70S-30EE. The experimental units were incubated at 25 °C for 11 days. The degree of invasion was evaluated based on type of growth, texture, color, aerial mycelium and density, through hedonic scale by variable. The results were processed with non-parametric tests of analysis of means and contrasts with a confidence level of 95%. A complete and homogeneous colonization with mycelium from very dense to dense was observed in all treatments with ground or whole glochids, which indicated that the conditions were adequate to promote the branching of hyphae and biomass. The best treatments in terms of homogeneous growth and very high density corresponded to the mixtures 90S-10EM and 80S-20EE. Texture and color were significantly good in the treatment with the highest proportion of whole glochids (70S-30EE), while growth type and presence of aerial mycelium were favored with the highest proportion of ground glochids (70S-30EM). The results were conclusive, glochids are an excellent material that can be used for the production of mycelium.
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