Pruning modifies vegetative shooting and flowering process in ‘Ataulfo’ mango
Mangifera indica L., anthesis, flower differentiation, vegetative shootsAbstract
Pruning trees improves light penetration, optimizes production and photoassimilation, and allows harvesting out of season without affecting fruit quality. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the pruning time (T) and intensity (I) on the differentiation and flowering process. Three pruning times: early, intermediate, and late, with two intensities: 50 and 75 cm of trimming, plus an unpruned control were evaluated in a commercial orchard in Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit, during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. The experimental design was completely randomized with a 3*2 factorial arrangement. The variables evaluated were number and length of shoots, bud development stage, percentage of differentiated bud, flowering percentage, and days of flowering delay. The results indicated that, in both cycles, there was a significant effect due to the intensity and time of pruning and due to the T*I interaction on some variables. It is concluded that severe pruning, in the two cycles, regardless of the time, increases the number of shoots per pruned branch by more than 100% compared to the control; in contrast, early pruning in its two intensities increased the number of differentiated buds in both cycles, which led to greater flowering; however, with late and severe pruning, this variable drastically decreased, with percentages between 8 and 19% in the first and second cycles, respectively.
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