Biocultural and socioeconomic dimensions of sustainability in agroforestry systems diversified with cacao and vanilla


  • Esteban Romero-Hernández Centro de Eco-Alfabetización y Diálogo de Saberes-Universidad Veracruzana. Priv. Guillermo Prieto núm. 2, Col. Centro, Coatepec, Veracruz. CP. 91500. Tel. 228 4116246
  • José M. Ramos-Prado Centro de Eco-Alfabetización y Diálogo de Saberes-Universidad Veracruzana. Priv. Guillermo Prieto núm. 2, Col. Centro, Coatepec, Veracruz. CP. 91500. Tel. 228 4116246.
  • Primo Sánchez-Morales Centro de Agroecología-Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Calle José de Hernández #15 A, Col. Obrero Campesina, Xalapa, Veracruz. CP. 91020. Tel. 228 1710899
  • Enrique HIpólito Romero Centro de Ecoalfabetización y Diálogo de Saberes, Universidad Veracruzana.
  • Enrique Hipólito-Romero Centro de Eco-Alfabetización y Diálogo de Saberes-Universidad Veracruzana. Priv. Guillermo Prieto núm. 2, Col. Centro, Coatepec, Veracruz. CP. 91500. Tel. 228 4116246



Theobroma cacao L., Vanilla planifolia A., Agroecological management, Enterprise development, MESMIS


Agroforestry systems and productive diversification are sustainable alternatives that reverse the damages and risks of conventional agriculture. There are few sustainability studies that allow them to be incorporated into projects aimed at increasing profitability and improving the welfare of producers, restoring ecosystem services. The objective was to assess the sustainability of two traditional agroforestry systems, diversified with cacao and vanilla, in the states of Veracruz and Oaxaca. Agroecological techniques and business development strategies were promoted with the families of both producers. The research was carried out during the period: February 2012 to July 2020, the plots are located in the municipalities of San Pedro Ixcatlán, Oaxaca and Papantla, Veracruz. The methodology of the framework of assessment of natural resource management systems was used. The results showed that the initial states had a low intensive management, low use of inputs, high diversification and oriented to subsistence agriculture. After diversification, agroecological management and business development, transition states have improved in most sustainability indicators. In particular, profitability (benefit-cost index), which reached 1.2 for San Pedro and 2.6 for Papantla when added value is given to vanilla and cacao. The participation of women in emerging activities derived from diversification and the interest of young people to continue with activities of transformation of raw materials and the commercialization of value-added products are relevant.


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Author Biography

Enrique HIpólito Romero, Centro de Ecoalfabetización y Diálogo de Saberes, Universidad Veracruzana.

He completed undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Biology-Xalapa of the Universidad Veracruzana, as part of the 1998-2002 generation; later he entered the Postgraduate in Environmental Sciences, belonging to the Institute of Sciences of the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, during the 2003-2005 generation. He completed doctoral studies in the Postgraduate Course in Tropical Ecology of the Tropical Research Center of the Veracruzana University, as a member of the first generation 2007-2010, where he had the opportunity to spend six months in Costa Rica, at the Tropical Agricultural Center Research and Teaching (CATIE), actively participating in various activities of the Center for the Competitiveness of Eco-enterprises (CeCoEco) and the Central American Cocoa Project (PCC). Since his master's studies he has been a fellow of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). He has worked in private sector companies, financial advisory firms, environmental consultants, as well as in the Secretary of Agricultural, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries Development (SEDARPA) of the state government; from 2010 to 2011 he worked as a professor for hours at the Faculty of Biology-Xalapa. He has been an advisor to different groups of agricultural producers in the state of Veracruz, in matters of environmental management and rural business development.


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How to Cite

Romero-Hernández, Esteban, José M. Ramos-Prado, Primo Sánchez-Morales, Enrique HIpólito Romero, and Enrique Hipólito-Romero Hipólito-Romero. 2023. “Biocultural and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Sustainability in Agroforestry Systems Diversified With Cacao and Vanilla”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 14 (3). México, ME:401-12.




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