Phosphites and their applications in agriculture


  • Edgar Javier Morales-Morales Postgraduate in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources-Autonomous University of the State of Mexico-El Cerrillo University Campus. Piedras Blancas, Toluca, State of Mexico. CP. 50200
  • Ángel Roberto Martínez-Campos Institute of Agricultural and Rural Sciences-El Cerrillo University Campus. White stones, Toluca, State of Mexico. CP. 50200
  • José Antonio López-Sandoval Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Plant Breeding-‘El Cerrillo’ University Campus. White Stones, Toluca, Mexico State. CP. 50200
  • Ana María Castillo González Department of Phytotechnics-Chapingo Autonomous University. Mexico-Texcoco Highway km 38.5, Chapingo, Texcoco, State of Mexico. CP. 56230
  • Martín Rubí-Arriaga Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Plant Breeding-‘El Cerrillo’ University Campus. White Stones, Toluca, Mexico State. CP. 50200



biostimulator, fertilizer, fungicide, phosphorous acid


Phosphites are compounds derived from phosphorous acid that regularly combine with ions such as potassium, sodium, calcium or ammonium. The chemical difference between phosphates and phosphites lies in an oxygen atom, which is replaced by a hydrogen atom. Due to their structural similarity, phosphites are considered to be analogs of phosphates. Although the use of phosphites is currently accepted for their plant biostimulant action, as well as for their auxiliary action in the control of phytoparasites such as oomycetes, protozoa, fungi, bacteria and nematodes, their use as a source of phosphorus for plant nutrition is still debated. Both phosphites and phosphates can be taken up by plants through leaves or roots; however, phosphites cannot be reduced within the plant cell to a lower oxidation state. Nevertheless, phosphites can be oxidized to phosphates if applied directly to the soil. The ability of soil microorganisms to be able to oxidize phosphites to phosphates opens up a possibility that phosphites can be applied as a complementary source of nutrition to phosphate fertilizers. The document prepared is a review of studies that addresses the role that phosphites play in agriculture nowadays, their uses as biostimulators, fungicides and their possibility of use as phosphate fertilizer, as well as a compilation of the most relevant studies on these uses and the results.


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How to Cite

Morales-Morales, Edgar Javier, Ángel Roberto Martínez-Campos, José Antonio López-Sandoval, Ana María Castillo González, and Martín Rubí-Arriaga. 2022. “Phosphites and Their Applications in Agriculture”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (2). México, ME:345-54.




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