Productivity of fifteen traditional cultivars of Phureja potato in eight different environments
Andean, ecology, productionAbstract
The productivity of fresh tubers and dry matter of 15 traditional potato cultivars of the Phureja group from Cajamarca was evaluated, in eight different environments. Sowings were carried out in the valley of Cajamarca. The randomized complete block design was used, with 15 treatments and three repetitions. The sowing was carried out at 0.9 m between furrows and 0.4 m between plants. 5 t ha-1 of worm humus and a compound fertilizer (15-24 -14 of N, P and K) at the rate of 300 kg ha-1 were applied. Eight plants per treatment were taken at harvest and the variables related to yield were evaluated. Significant statistical differences were found between cultivars for the variables: total weight of tubers, weight of commercial tubers, total number of tubers, number of commercial tubers, plant height, number of stems and dry matter. The cultivars ‘Chachapoyana’, ‘Montañera’, ‘Blanca’ and ‘Shoga’ were the best in fresh tuber yield and the cultivars ‘Piña amarilla’, ‘Shoga’ and ‘Porpora’ the best in dry matter. The environments presented significant statistical differences for the variables NTT, NTC, AP and NT.
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