Ch’ujuk: clonal variety of ‘stevia’ as an alternative to the mass cultivation of Morita II for the Tropic of Mexico


  • Monica Guadalupe Lozano Contreras Campo Experimental Mocochá-INIFAP. Antigua carretera Mérida-Motul km 24.5, Mococha, Yucatán, México
  • Genovevo Ramirez Jaramillo Centro de Investigación Regional Sureste-INIFAP. Calle 6 núm. 398x 13, Avenida Correa Rachó. Col. Díaz Ordaz, Mérida, Yucatán, México
  • Yolanda Beatriz Moguel Ordóñez Campo Experimental Mocochá-INIFAP. Antigua carretera Mérida-Motul km 24.5, Mococha, Yucatán, México



agronomic characterization, Ch’ujuk variety, clone, industrial


The demand for natural sweeteners is increasing in the world, mainly due to the side effects produced by synthetic sweeteners, which has caused several countries to ban their consumption. An example is Japan, which banned the use of synthetic sweeteners since the 1970s and replaced half of its consumption of cane sugar with Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni crystals. Due to the current relevance of S. rebaudiana, having materials adapted to the conditions of Mexico is an urgent need for the cultivation to increase in the country. Since 2010, CIRSE-INIFAP has been working with the technological development of this crop and, from 2012, the project to promote innovation with Morita II plots began. Subsequently, INIFAP acquired genetic material from Paraguay, which strengthened its source of genetic variability. This variability has made it possible to establish plots and make an individual selection of those materials that show better agronomic behavior, in such a way that at present there is a new varieagronomic widely superior to creole materials and to the Morita II variety, it has large leaves abundant, and highly branched stem. It blooms evenly, which facilitates cutting at the most opportune moment (when the first flower buds appear). The average yield is 7 to 9 t ha-1 year-1 with 60 000 plants ha-1.


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How to Cite

Lozano Contreras, Monica Guadalupe, Genovevo Ramirez Jaramillo, and Yolanda Beatriz Moguel Ordóñez. 2020. “Ch’ujuk: Clonal Variety of ‘stevia’ As an Alternative to the Mass Cultivation of Morita II for the Tropic of Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 11 (8). México, ME:2005-10.



Description of cultivars

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