Fruit nutrient composition and removal by ‘Haden’ and ‘Tommy Atkins’ mangos fruits under forced production


  • Adriana Mellado-Vázquez Posgrado en Recursos Genéticos y Productividad-Fruticultura, Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo. INIFAP-Campo Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla. A. P. 100. Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit. C. P. 63300. Tel. (323) 235-2031
  • Samuel Salazar-García INIFAP-Campo Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla. A. P. 100. Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit. C. P. 63300. Tel. (323) 235-2031
  • César Augusto Treviño-de la Fuente INIFAP, Campo Experimental Valle de Apatzingán. A. P. 262. Antúnez, Michoacán. C. P. 60781. Tel. (425) 592-5140
  • Isidro José Luis González-Durán INIFAP-Campo Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla. A. P. 100. Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit. C. P. 63300. Tel. (323) 235-2031
  • Alfredo López-Jiménez Colegio de Postgraduados. Postgrado en Recursos Genéticos y Productividad-Fruticultura, Campus Montecillo. Texcoco, Estado de México 56230. Tel. (595) 952-0235



Mangifera indica L., embryo, epidermis, pulp, testa


To improve the management of mango nutrition and maintain soil fertility it is necessary to know the nutrient composition of the fruit as well as the amount of nutrients removed by the crop planting . This study was carried out in 2009 with the cvs. Haden and Tommy Atkins under forced production in the Valle de Apatzingán, Michoacán, Mexico, with the aims of: i) determining the nutrient composition of the fruit's tissues (epidermis, pulp, testa and embryo); and ii) quantifying the amount of nutrients removed by the crop of both mango cultivars. Two commercial ‘Haden’ mango orchards were chosen, along with two ‘Tommy Atkins’ orchards, with similar irrigation schemes and soils (Vertisol). In each orchard five trees were chosen and harvested two fruit per tree at physiological maturity. Fruit were separated in their tissues and the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, and B were determined in the dry matter. The nutrient composition of the fruit's tissues showed variations in each cultivar. The epidermis and the embryo presented the greatest concentrations of nutrients. The amounts of nutrients removed varied with the tissue; the highest values were for the pulp and epidermis, and the lowest were in the testa. The amount of nutrients removed per ton of fresh fruit was similar in both mango cultivars, except for Mn, which was removed in greater amounts by fruit of ‘Haden’. The nutritional removal intervals for ‘Haden’ and ‘Tommy Atkins’ were (kg⋅t-1 fresh fruit): N (1.03-1.11), P (0.22-0.24), K (1.88-2.14), Ca (0.21-0.31), Mg (0.14-0.15), S (0.28-0.33); (g⋅t-1 fresh fruit): Fe (3.5-3.8), Cu (1.0-1.1), Mn (3.2-4.8), Zn (2.0-2.8), and B (1.5-1.6).


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How to Cite

Mellado-Vázquez Adriana, Salazar-García Samuel, Treviño-de la Fuente César Augusto, González-Durán Isidro José Luis, and López-Jiménez Alfredo. 2018. “Fruit Nutrient Composition and Removal by ‘Haden’ and ‘Tommy Atkins’ Mangos Fruits under Forced Production”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 3 (5). México, ME:925-41.




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