Papaya genetic resources in Mexico and their conservation for genetic improvement
Carica papaya L., biological collections, genetic diversity, wild relativesAbstract
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the fruit crops with the highest demand worldwide due to its pleasant flavor and multiple pharmacological properties. In Mexico, its cultivation and consumption are rooted in the population and have economic, social, and cultural importance. Mesoamerica is considered to be the center of origin and domestication, a place where a wide genetic diversity is found, which has been little studied and valued. Knowledge about genetic resources is essential to propose strategies of conservation and exploitation in the development of improved varieties since they are a source of genes for resistance to diseases, fruit quality, tolerance to abiotic factors, and rootstocks. Therefore, this work aimed to explore the existing information on the genetic resources of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mexico in terms of its conservation, biological collections, and the potential of outstanding traits to be incorporated into genetic improvement programs. To this end, a review was carried out on characterization, genetic diversity, and conservation status studies of wild, native, and domesticated relatives of papaya conducted in Mexico. There is valuable information on the variation, conservation, and evolutionary dynamics of papaya genetic resources in Mexico; however, there is insufficient information on the potential of genetic resources for use in genetic improvement. The unstudied and undocumented variation has a high risk of genetic erosion and extinction.
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