The Climate change from the traditional knowledge of indigenous communities in Paraguay
aprendizaje, cambio climático, riesgo, saberesAbstract
Climate change poses a threat to all people around the world, especially indigenous communities. This study sought to identify, from the worldview of indigenous communities, the traditional knowledge, innovations, and learning that allow them to face the problems generated by climate change. The research had an ethnographic, qualitative, and exploratory approach and was developed in the eastern region of Paraguay from 2020 to 2023. The sample was made up of five indigenous communities with a total of 306 participating individuals. Based on the results obtained in observations, interviews, and focus groups, the ancestral attitudes, skills, and knowledge that underpin their strategies for managing and reducing risks related to climate change were identified. The participating communities combine their traditional knowledge with new technologies through a learning process from three perspectives: intergenerational approach, intercultural approach, and gender approach, to face the problems generated by climate change.
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