Evaluation of corn yield for the High Valleys of the State of Mexico
High Valleys, hybrid corn, nativeAbstract
Corn (Zea mays L.) is the most consumed and sown grain in Mexico. Annual consumption is 46 million tonnes. For the High Valleys region (>2 800 masl), there are very few hybrids that adapt to these conditions due to the altitude and low temperatures; the few that exist have low yields (<3 t ha-1). Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the yield and adaptation of five corn hybrids under conditions of the High Valleys of the State of Mexico. A completely randomized experiment with three replications was established; seeded was carried out on March 30, 2020. The corn hybrids that were established were H-40, H-66, H-70, AS 722, Cherokee, and the control, which was the native corn of the area. The yields obtained were: AS 722 with 6 953 kg ha-1, H-40 with 5 188 kg ha-1, and Cherokee with 4 547 kg ha-1; for the remaining two, H-66 had 4 313 kg ha-1 and H-70 had 4 265 kg ha-1; the native corn presented a yield of 6 078 kg ha-1, which was higher than that of the H-40, H-66, H-70, and Cherokee hybrids. It can be concluded that the AS 722 hybrid presented the highest yield and the best adaptability to the conditions of altitudes >2 800 masl, with a yield of 6 953 kg ha-1.
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