Flower and vegetative stimulation of soursop with summer pruning
intensity, production, technologyAbstract
Soursop (Annona muricata L.) is an important cultivation alternative. Nayarit produces 75% of national production. Nonetheless, this fruit crop is severely affected by phytosanitary problems, causing low yields and fruit quality. The study was conducted in August 2020 in El Capomo, Compostela; pruning treatments at 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% were assessed for the flower and vegetative stimulation of soursop. The shoots with 100% pruning showed greater vigor in diameter (0.34 cm) and length (11.8 cm) of the branch; likewise, the number of fruits per m2 increased by 62.5% compared to the treatment with 0% pruning. In 50% pruning, the number of flower buds per m2 increased by 60% and inflorescences increased 80% compared to the 0% pruning treatment. In primary branches (trunk), an average of 1.82 shoots, 0.85 flower buds, 0.09 inflorescences, 0.11 brown fruit buds, and 0.09 fruits were recorded. Secondary branches with 100% pruning showed the highest number of shoots (1.98), whereas flower buds, inflorescences, brown fruit buds, and fruits reached averages of 0.4, 0.05, 0.13 and 0.09, respectively. The use of pruning at different intensities has a positive effect on the vegetative and reproductive vigor of soursop.
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