Characteristics of coffee producers and plantations in the northern region of the state of Chiapas


  • Patricia Vázquez-López Faculty of Accounting and Administration-Autonomous University of Coahuila-Torreón Unit. Boulevard Revolution 153 East, col. Centro, Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. ZC. 27000. Tel. 871 7124514
  • José de Jesús Espinoza-Arellano Faculty of Accounting and Administration-Autonomous University of Coahuila-Torreón Unit. Boulevard Revolution 153 East, col. Centro, Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. ZC. 27000. Tel. 871 7124514
  • Apolinar González-Mancilla Faculty of Agriculture and Zootechnics-Juarez University of the State of Durango. Highway Gómez Palacio-Tlahualilo km 35, ejido Venecia, Durango. ZC. 35170. Tel. 871 7118875
  • Liliana Angélica Guerrero-Ramos Faculty of Accounting and Administration-Autonomous University of Coahuila-Torreón Unit. Boulevard Revolution 153 East, col. Centro, Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. ZC. 27000. Tel. 871 7124514



Coffea arabica L., added value, family roots, Pantepec


Coffee is one of the most consumed agricultural products in the world. Mexico has a planted area of 710 431 ha and a production volume of 953 682 t. Despite its importance, in Mexico there is a lack of regional studies on the characteristics of coffee producers and plantations that serve as a basis for public policy decision-making. The objective of this work was to identify the characteristics of coffee producers and plantations in the municipality of Pantepec, Chiapas. A questionnaire of 76 questions was applied, which was divided into six blocks: informant data, plantation data, labor, financing and commercialization. The sample consisted of 61 producers from five localities of the municipality of Pantepec, Chiapas. The results indicate that producers are on average 41 years old and have low schooling. They have an area of less than two hectares, so the producers have to supplement their income with other activities. Eighty percent produce the landrace variety with renewed plantations, finding that 34.4% replanted two years earlier and 97% used between 100 and 600 new plants. Ninety-five percent of producers obtain yields between 0 and 600 kg ha-1. Coffee cultivation is an activity that generates roots in the population, however, it requires options that give it added value to generate employment and income in the region of study.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-López, Patricia, José de Jesús Espinoza-Arellano, Apolinar González-Mancilla, and Liliana Angélica Guerrero-Ramos. 2022. “Characteristics of Coffee Producers and Plantations in the Northern Region of the State of Chiapas”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (28). México, ME:101-11.




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