Bioactives of lemongrass used in the industry
agricultural, chemical composition, cosmetics, food additive, pharmaceuticsAbstract
In the research, an analysis on the importance of the biological activity of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), its benefits and application in the food and non-food industry was carried out. The objective was to identify, analyze, organize and compare information on the bioactive components of the plant species in the industry. The method used is exploratory with a documentary approach of secondary order, since a thorough search of bibliographic information of documents obtained in scientific bases that support the work was carried out. Twenty-four bioactive components and 33 constituents of essential oils were determined, in relation to the use in the industry two applications were determined: in the food area, it is used in beverages (energizing, hydrating, functional) and as a food additive (antioxidants, preservatives and flavorings) and in the non-food area in the agricultural field (insecticides, fungicide and herbicide), in the cosmetics area (perfumery, deodorants and shampoos) and in the pharmacological area (antibacterial and antifungal). It was determined that the biological components of lemongrass have been used in the food and non-food industry, elements such as myrcene, citronella, citronellol and geraniol are used because they enhance the aroma and prevent fungal and bacterial infections, citral is the element that provides functionality to foods and prevents toxicity.
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