Dynamics of in situ maintenance and loss of Jala corn race
in situ conservation, native corn, production, utilization and valuationAbstract
Although for decades efforts have been made for the in situ conservation of native corns in Mexico, their promotion and protection continue to present challenges and opportunities. In this paper, we explore these challenges and opportunities through the case of the Jala corn race from a historical, systemic, and inclusive perspective that allowed us to describe the dynamics of loss and maintenance that have prevailed in recent decades. Through a study that compares data collected almost 20 years apart on the Jala corn race, the dynamics that this corn has experienced in three aspects: its production, its utilization, and its valuation, are documented. The results highlight how maintenance and loss factors have changed and how new challenges and opportunities have appeared. Challenges associated with processes of loss of productivity and adaptation have become relevant, while opportunities to diversify its use have appeared. Challenges in integrating young people to ensure generational replacement have become more critical. Likewise, the opportunity to involve more women who promote local consumption and take advantage of the potential of markets specialized in native corns. Finally, the development of comprehensive strategies involving informal (such as the family) and formal (different levels of government) social institutions, under a national, state, and local legal framework of corn as cultural heritage, becomes critical for the in situ conservation of the Jala corn race and other corn races in Mexico.
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