Effect of biofertilizer on Hass avocado phenology
Persea americana Mill., organic fertilizers, organic productionAbstract
The factors associated with environmental care trigger interest in the development of organic agriculture, recognized as an economically efficient, socially just and ecologically sustainable alternative, which contributes to reducing the negative impacts attributed to conventional agriculture; for this reason, this research studied eight treatments of organic fertilizers in Coaxtlahuacán, municipality of Mochitlán, Guerrero, Mexico, from November 2020 to November 2021 in an eight-year-old Hass avocado orchard. The objective was to evaluate the phenological behavior of avocado trees nourished with organic fertilizers from bovine manure: 50 and 75 kg year-1, applied in solid and liquid form; mixed with and without organic micronutrients, which combined formed eight treatments, plus a control (water), arranged in a randomized block design with four replications; one tree as an experimental unit. The fruit reached physiological maturity in November with polar and equatorial diameters of 9.8 and 7.5 cm, respectively. The application of 50 SMM (50 kg of solid manure + micronutrients) and 75 SM (75 kg of solid manure) presented the best polar diameter (7.5 cm) and 50 SM (50 kg of solid manure) showed the best equatorial diameter (5.1 cm). The best result showed the higher number of vegetative flushes in March (9.5 shoots branch-1), and the higher number of flower flushes in February (10.3 shoots branch-1); of these, the application of 50 SM (2.9 shoots branch-1) was superior to the other treatments, while 50 SMM was the best for the flower shoots (3.3 shoots branch-1).
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