Population density and organic fertilization in fava bean from central Mexiquense


  • Laura Stephanie Flores Carrera Autonomous University of the State of Mexico-Institute of Agricultural and Rural Sciences-‘El Cerrillo’ University Campus. Toluca, State of Mexico. Tel. 722 2965552, ext. 117
  • Delfina de Jesús Pérez López Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Plant Breeding-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. AP. 435. Tel. 722 2965518, ext. 148
  • Dora Ma. Sangerman-Jarquín Mexico Valley Experimental Field-INIFAP. Highway Los Reyes-Texcoco km 13.5, Coatlinchán, Texcoco, Mexico. CP. 56250
  • Martín Rubí Arriaga Autonomous University of the State of Mexico-Institute of Agricultural and Rural Sciences-‘El Cerrillo’ University Campus. Toluca, State of Mexico. Tel. 722 2965552, ext. 117
  • Andrés González Huerta Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Plant Breeding-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. AP. 435. Tel. 722 2965518, ext. 148
  • José Francisco Ramírez Dávila Autonomous University of the State of Mexico-Institute of Agricultural and Rural Sciences-‘El Cerrillo’ University Campus. Toluca, State of Mexico. Tel. 722 2965552, ext. 117




Vicia faba L., biplot graph, series of experiments in subdivided plots, technology


Two experiments were established in 2017 and 2018 in San Nicolás Guadalupe, San Felipe del Progreso, State of Mexico, to evaluate the effects of spacing between plants at 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm with the application of chicken manure, vermicompost, mushroom compost and 30N-60P-60K in cultivars identified as Xalatlaco, Calimaya and San Felipe. The 48 treatments were evaluated in a series of randomized complete block design experiments with three replications per year in a split plot arrangement. In the combined analysis, it was observed that in both years (A) there were highly significant differences (p= 0.01) in 13 variables. In 2017, the best phenotypic expression in plant height (PH), flowering (DF), pods per plant (NPP), weight of pods per plant (WPP), seeds per pod (NSP), clean seeds (NCS) and weight of clean seeds (WCS) were favored, compared to 2018, but the yield (YLD) in both years was 1.5 t ha-1. In densities (D), there were significant differences (p= 0.01) in 13 variables, and it was detected that at a distance between plants of 20 cm there was more NPP (18.5 cm), PH (1.4 cm) and HFP (47.5 cm); at 40 and 50 cm between plants, there was more NB and NPB. In the NCS, WCS and YLD characteristics, the same behavior appeared at 20, 40 and 50 cm. In organic fertilizers (F), there was a significant phenotypic differentiation (p= 0.01) in PH, NPP, WPP, WCS and YLD; with chicken manure higher PH and HFP were obtained. The mushroom compost favored WPP, NSS and weight of 100 seeds (W100S) and the vermicompost did it in NPP, WPP and WCS. The three cultivars (C) were significantly different (p= 0.01): Xalatlaco was better in efficiency (EFF), WPP, WCS, W100S and YLD (1.74 t ha-1).


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How to Cite

Flores Carrera, Laura Stephanie, Delfina de Jesús Pérez López, Dora Ma. Sangerman-Jarquín, Martín Rubí Arriaga, Andrés González Huerta, and José Francisco Ramírez Dávila. 2022. “Population Density and Organic Fertilization in Fava Bean from Central Mexiquense”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (2). México, ME:317-30. https://doi.org/10.29312/remexca.v13i2.3131.




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