Use of Opstat to validate results in a partial diallelic with eight corn lines evaluated in an environment


  • Gerardo Jasso-Bobadilla Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México-Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales-Campus Universitario ‘El Cerrillo’. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, Toluca, Estado de México, México. Tel. 722 2965552, ext. 117.
  • Andrés González-Huerta Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Fitomejoramiento-Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas. AP. 435. Tel. 722 2965518, ext. 148.
  • Delfina de Jesús Pérez-López Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Fitomejoramiento-Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas. AP. 435. Tel. 722 2965518, ext. 148.
  • J. Ramón Pascual Franco-Martínez Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Fitomejoramiento-Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas. AP. 435. Tel. 722 2965518, ext. 148.
  • Martín Rubí-Arriaga Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Fitomejoramiento-Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas. AP. 435. Tel. 722 2965518, ext. 148.
  • Jaime Mejía-Carranza Centro Universitario Tenancingo. Carretera Tenancingo-Villa Guerrero km 1.5, Tenancingo, Estado de México, México. CP. 52400. Tel. 7141407724.



circulant matrix, combining ability, heritability, incomplete diallelic


Sampling procedures in a partial diallelic experiment applying the method of Kempthorne and Curnow (1961) to eight corn lines (S7) derived from the same variety, each used in five crosses (s= 5), are described. For the 20 single-cross hybrids, the calculations to obtain the analysis of variance for an environment with a randomized complete block experimental design with four repetitions are indicated. The effects between crosses are divided into general and specific combining ability using matrix algebra, the effects of gi and Sij are estimated, for each parent and in each cross, respectively. In addition, the components of variance and heritability are calculated in a broad and narrow sense. At all stages, it is indicated how to verify the calculations using a desktop calculator and, finally, the results are validated using the Opstat statistical package.


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How to Cite

Jasso-Bobadilla, Gerardo, Andrés González-Huerta, Delfina de Jesús Pérez-López, J. Ramón Pascual Franco-Martínez, Martín Rubí-Arriaga, and Jaime Mejía-Carranza. 2022. “Use of Opstat to Validate Results in a Partial Diallelic With Eight Corn Lines Evaluated in an Environment”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (1). México, ME:41-52.




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