Residual effectiveness of insecticides in Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in tomato cultivation


  • Arturo Peláez Arroyo General Directorate of Agricultural Technological Education and Marine Sciences-Agricultural Technological Baccalaureate Center 316. La Concepción Enyege, Ixtlahuaca de Rayón, State of Mexico. CP. 50740
  • Mateo Vargas Hernández Autonomous University Chapingo-Department of Soils and Department of Agricultural Parasitology. Mexico-Texcoco highway km 38.5. Chapingo, State of Mexico, Mexico. CP. 56230
  • Marcelo Acosta Ramos Autonomous University Chapingo-Department of Soils and Department of Agricultural Parasitology. Mexico-Texcoco highway km 38.5. Chapingo, State of Mexico, Mexico. CP. 56230
  • Sergio Ayvar Serna Superior Agricultural College of the State of Guerrero. Av. Guerrero 81 first floor, Col. Center, Iguala, Guerrero. CP. 40000
  • José Francisco Díaz Nájera Superior Agricultural College of the State of Guerrero. Av. Guerrero 81 first floor, Col. Center, Iguala, Guerrero. CP. 40000
  • Manuel Alejandro Tejeda Reyes Autonomous University Chapingo-Department of Soils and Department of Agricultural Parasitology. Mexico-Texcoco highway km 38.5. Chapingo, State of Mexico, Mexico. CP. 56230



Bemisia tabaci, Solanum lycopersicum, insecticides synthetic, organic


Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) is one of the main pests in the cultivation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), which transmits phytopathogenic viruses responsible for severe physiological damage and loss of profitability of the crop. The protection of the plant against viral vectors in the first weeks after transplantation is essential to ensure production. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and repeated twice; tomato seedlings of the Río Grande cultivar were used to evaluate the residual effectiveness of five synthetic, four botanical insecticides and one mineral oil. The density of B. tabaci eggs and the percentage of effectiveness at 0, 5 and 10 days after the application (DAA) with insecticides were evaluated. The organo-synthetic treatment with the best effectiveness was Sivanto® Prime (Flupyradifurone) in foliar applications and in the soil; within the natural products, the best treatment was PHC® Neem® (Azadirachtin) in foliar applications; both showed effectiveness of 99.96-88.47% and 65.87-43.5%, respectively, at 0, 5 and 10 DAA in the two trials. Information on the residuality and effectiveness of the insecticides evaluated will contribute to complement the optimal management of B. tabaci.


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How to Cite

Peláez Arroyo, Arturo, Mateo Vargas Hernández, Marcelo Acosta Ramos, Sergio Ayvar Serna, José Francisco Díaz Nájera, and Manuel Alejandro Tejeda Reyes. 2022. “Residual Effectiveness of Insecticides in Bemisia Tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Tomato Cultivation”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (4). México, ME:675-86.




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