Characterization of maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Istmo, Oaxaca


  • Ernesto Castañeda Hidalgo Tecnológico Nacional de México. Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca



Zea mays L., annual yield, Istmo of Tehuantepec, traditional agriculture


Agroecosystems are ecosystems transformed by humans by using resources to produce food, fiber, and raw materials. The study was carried out in 2017 with the objective of identifying and characterizing the corn agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Istmo of Oaxaca and knowing their current status. The methodologies of the participatory rural survey and the study of agroecosystems were used. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 60 corn producers. The information was systematized in Microsoft Excel 2010 and processed in SAS® V9.0 for principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical discrimination. Of 103 variables, 10 were selected by ACP and 12 incorporated into value judgment, in the biophysical, social, economic and technological dimensions. Three agroecosystems were identified (Mahalanobis square distance and multivariate tests with approximation of F) (p< 0.01): 1. Juchitán de Zaragoza-Chicapa de Castro maize agroecosystem (AE1); 2. Álvaro Obregón-Emiliano Zapata (AE2) corn agroecosystem; and 3. La Venta-La Ventosa corn agroecosystem (AE3). In the three AE they sow Zapalote Chico corn in a traditional way and with low mechanization (soil preparation and sowing). Although the yields are very similar in the three AE, in monthly income AE1 and AE3 stand out, in contrast to AE2, where it is lower, due to their livestock activity (goats in intensive grazing) different from the other AE (dual-purpose cattle), low cultivation area, few hired wages, etc. The corn is for self-consumption, although surpluses are sold in the local market.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Hidalgo, Ernesto. 2020. “Characterization of Maize Agroecosystems in the Coastal Plain of the Istmo, Oaxaca”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 11 (7). México, ME:1579-92.




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