Chemical treatment of corn seed for control of trips (Frankliniella occidentalis) Pergande (Thysanoptera:Thripidae)


  • José Francisco Rodríguez Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonia Narro. Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Buenavista, 25315 Saltillo, Coah
  • Ernesto Cerna Chávez Departamento de Parasitología Agrícola-Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro. Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, México. CP 25315.
  • Francisco Cervantes Ortiz Instituto Tecnológico de Roque, Km 8 Carretera Celaya-Juventino Rosas, Apartado Postal 508, C.P. 38110, Celaya; Gto
  • Julio Cesar León Vargas Instituto Tecnológico de Roque, Km 8 Carretera Celaya-Juventino Rosas, Apartado Postal 508, C.P. 38110, Celaya; Gto
  • Yisa María Ochoa Fuentes Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonia Narro. Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Buenavista, 25315 Saltillo, Coah.
  • Daniel Rodríguez Mercado Instituto Tecnológico de Roque, Km 8 Carretera Celaya-Juventino Rosas, Apartado Postal 508, C.P. 38110, Celaya; Gto.
  • Mariano Mendoza Elos Instituto Tecnológico de Roque, Km 8 Carretera Celaya-Juventino Rosas, Apartado Postal 508, C.P. 38110, Celaya; Gto
  • Luis Patricio Guevara Acevedo Instituto Tecnológico de Roque, Km 8 Carretera Celaya-Juventino Rosas, Apartado Postal 508, C.P. 38110, Celaya; Gto.



Zea mays L., Frankliniella occidentalis, Pergande, Thysanoptera: Thripidae


The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the chemical control of trips Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) with the application of four seed products (thiodicarb, acephato, bifenthrin + imidacloprid and thiametoxan + lambda cyalotrina) with two doses; one according to the dosage of the commercial house and the other 50% smaller, in the variety Roque 1. A randomized block design with four repetitions, 10 treatments and two controls, a hybrid (Ares®-Unisem) was used and a white one. The sampling of the density of trips was carried out by means of a manual aspirator and blue traps, the samplings were made from the emergence of the plants and during eight weeks, carrying out two samplings per week. The results show that the treatment with thiamethoxane + lambda cyalotrine presented the lowest density of trips with a value of 1.53 trips per plant, while the absolute control was the one with the highest value with 2.14.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Francisco, Cerna Chávez Ernesto, Francisco Cervantes Ortiz, Julio Cesar León Vargas, Yisa María Ochoa Fuentes, Daniel Rodríguez Mercado, Mariano Mendoza Elos, and Luis Patricio Guevara Acevedo. 2018. “Chemical Treatment of Corn Seed for Control of Trips (Frankliniella Occidentalis) Pergande (Thysanoptera:Thripidae)”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 9 (3). México, ME:565-76.




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