
The journal is bilingual and is of continuous publication.

Requirements for manuscript submission

The authors must pay a fee for receiving articles before going through editorial opinion.

Only original and unpublished writings in Spanish will be accepted and that have not been proposed in other journals and that are not subject to the evaluation process at the same time in other publications and that the research is not older than 5 years.

The articles submitted for possible publication in Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas shall send the following documents, in its entirety and final version, via the Open Journal System (OJS) interface. No submissions sent otherwise will be accepted.

  1. Submission form: available at the journal’s OJS interface, where specific information on the article and authors is requested.
  2. Letter of originality and non-duplicity, this letter also has to be filled in with the authors’ data and in the case of articles with two and more authors, the data of each of them shall be provided. The responsible and corresponding authors have to be identified.
  3. Form of transfer of property rights, it must be filled in with the authors’ data and signed by them. In the case of articles with two or more authors, the data of each of them shall be provided and the responsible and corresponding authors have to be identified.
  4. Attach the submitted article and additional files in full and in their final version. Once the process starts, no changes at all will be accepted. This situation is stated in the acknowledgement of receipt sent to the author.

In order to deliver the material, the following criteria have to be considered:

  1. Deliver the text in files in electronic format for word processor, without a password (sending files as PDF is not suitable for the editorial process).
  2. Deliver photographs and images in electronic files in jpg format (or compatible) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. It is essential to attach graphs, tables or charts in separate spreadsheets. Images of graphs, tables or charts are not suitable for the editorial process.
  3. Own the reproduction rights of graphic material, images, photographs, artistic work, et cetera, either from the author(s), or else from third parties.


Once the submission requirements are met, the manuscript will be sent to editorial review.


Guidelines for authors


The authors have to pay a fee for the reception of articles prior to go on to editorial review.

Only original and unpublished texts in Spanish are accepted, which have not been simultaneously submitted to other journals and which are not under review in other publications.


Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas publishes original and unpublished texts related to studies on agricultural sciences. These manuscripts are presented as scientific articles, research notes, essays and description of cultivars, which are outlined below. All sections undergo a peer review process.


Scientific article: original text substantiated on research results, in which the interaction of two or more treatments are studied over several experiments, places and years in order to draw valid conclusions. The articles have a maximum extension of 18 pages (including tables and figures) and must include the following sections:

1)         Title

2)         Authors

3)         Authors’ ascription institutions

4)         Authors’ email addresses

5)         Abstract

6)         Key words

7)         Introduction

8)         Materials and methods

9)         Results and discussion

10)       Conclusions

11)       Cited literature


Research note:  a text with preliminary and transcendent results the author(s) want to publish before concluding their research. The extension is eight pages (including tables and figures). It contains the same sections as a scientific article, but sections 7 to 9 are written as a continuous text; this is to say, without the section title.


Essay: a recapitulative text produced from the analysis of current and important topics for the scientific community, where the author expresses their opinion and establishes conclusions on the topic dealt with. It will have a maximum extension of 18 pages (including tables and figures). It includes the sections 1 to 6, and 10 and 11 of scientific articles. The development of the contents is undertaken in the sections according to the topic with which conclusions are generated.


Description of cultivars: a text produced in view of providing the scientific community with the origin and characteristics of a new variety, clone, hybrid, etc. A maximum extension of 8 pages (including tables and figures). It has sections 1 to 6 and 10 and 11 of scientific articles. Cultivar descriptions are a continuous text, with relevant information on the importance of the cultivar, origin, genealogy, method of production, phenotypical and agronomic characteristics, quality (commercial, industrial, nutritional, etc.) as well as seed availability.


Text format


Title.  It must offer a clear and concise idea of the manuscript, using 12 words at most: it must be written in upper and lower cases in bold, centered at the top part of the page.


Authors.  Include six authors at most, the names shall be presented in full (names and two surnames). Justified immediately after the title, with no academic degree or labor positions; after each name numerical indexes will be placed and these will be referred to immediately after the authors’ names; these references will contain the name of the ascription institution, official address, including postal code, telephone number and email address for each author, and indicate the corresponding author. 


Abstract.  Present an abstract of 250 words at most both in Spanish and English that contains the following: justification, goals, place and year of the research, brief description of the materials and methods used, results and conclusion; the text in English is written consecutively


Key words. They are included after the abstract and are utilized to include the article in indexes and information systems. Select three or four words, do not include words in the title. The scientific names of the species mentioned in the abstract shall be included as key words.


Introduction. Its content must be related to the research’s specific topic and purpose; it defines the problem and importance of the research, the bibliographic background that substantiate the hypothesis and objectives.


Results and discussion. Present the result obtained in the research and point out similarities or divergences with those reported in other published researches. Underscore in the discussion the cause-effect relation derived from the analysis.


Conclusions. Draw conclusions from the relevant results, related to the objectives and hypotheses of the work.


Cited literature. Preferably include recent bibliographic references of scientific articles published by renowned journals, do not include congress proceedings, theses, internal reports, web sites, etc. All references in the text must be included in Cited Literature.


General comments


In the original document, figures and tables must use SI units. Furthermore, including the files of the figures in the original program in which they were created as separate files so that, if necessary, modifications can be made. In case of including photographs, these must be original, scanned in high resolution and must be sent as separate files. The title of figures is written in upper and lower cases in bold. In bar and pie charts utilize clearly contrasting textures as fillings; for line graphs, use different symbols.

The title of tables is written in upper and lower cases in bold. Tables must not extend more than one page nor be enclosed by vertical lines, only horizontal lines are accepted; the headings of columns go in the two first lines, while the third closes the table. Moreover, they have to be numbered progressively as they are mentioned in the text and contain the necessary information so that they are easily understood. The information displayed in the tables must not be repeated in the figures or vice versa, in both cases no statistical comparisons must be included. 


References to the literature at the beginning or in the middle of the text use surname(s) and year of publication; for example: Cob (2018) or Rammah and Yang (2018), if there are two authors. If the quotation is at the end of the text, write the surname(s) and the year separated by a comma in parentheses; example: (Brugger, 2018) or (Whitelam and Franklin, 2018). If the cited publication has more than two authors, the first surname of the main author is written, followed by et al. and the publication year; it has to be presented as: Schwentesius et al. (2018), or at the end of the text (Allori et al., 2018). In case of organizations write acronyms or initials; example, FAO (2018) or (FAO, 2018).


How to cite literature


Articles in periodic publications. Cites must be placed in alphabetic order, if there is one main author for a number of articles in the same year, these are differenced by letters a, b, c, etc. 1) write the first surname in full with a comma and then the first names’ initials. To separate two authors <and> is used, or the equivalent word in the original language of the work. If there are more than two authors, they are separated by semicolons, and between the penultimate and last authors <and>, or equivalent, is used. In the case of an organization, write the full name and then its initials or acronym in parentheses; 2) publication year, period; 3) title of the article, period; 4) country of edition, period, journal’s name, period; and, 5) journal number and volume in parentheses, colon, initial and final page of the article, separated by a dash (i.e. 8(43):763-775).


Serial publications and books. 1) Author(s), as in articles; 2) publication year, period; 3) title of the work, period; 4) if it is a translation indicate edition and language, translator’s name, period; 5) Publisher, period, number of the edition; 6) place of publication (city, state, country); 7) for a brochure, series or collection write the name and number, period; and, 8) number of pages (i.e. 150 p.) or pages consulted (i.e. 30-45 pp.).


Articles, chapters or abstracts in collective works (books, compendia, memoirs, etc.) 1) author(s) as in articles; 2) publication year, period; 3) title of the article, chapter or memoir, period; 4) Latin expression In; 5) title of the collective work, period; 6) editor(s), compiler(s) or coordinator(s) of the collective work [written as authors in articles], period, in parentheses the abbreviation (ed. or eds.) (comp. or comps.) or (coord. or cords.), as the case may be, period, in case of a translation (as in the case of serial publications and books); 7) number of edition, period; 8) publisher; 9) place of publication (city, state, country); 10) pages of the article, joined by a dash and pp in lower case pp (i.e. 15-35 pp.).