Population parameters of Chrysoperla carnea under laboratory conditions in Puebla


  • Arturo Huerta-de la Peña Campus Puebla-Colegio de Postgraduados-Laboratorio de Control Biológico. Carretera Federal México-Puebla km 125.5, Santiago Momoxpan, Puebla, México. CP. 72760. Tel. 222.2851443, ext. 2200
  • Martha Azucena Díaz-Rivas Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla-Instituto de Ciencias-Centro de Agroecología. Edificio VAL1, Carretera a San Baltazar Tetela km 1.7, San Pedro Zacachimalpa, Puebla, México. CP. 72960. Tel. 222 2295500, ext. 1302
  • Miguel Aragón-Sánchez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla-Instituto de Ciencias-Centro de Agroecología. Edificio VAL1, Carretera a San Baltazar Tetela km 1.7, San Pedro Zacachimalpa, Puebla, México. CP. 72960. Tel. 222 2295500, ext. 1302




biological control, green lacewings, insect breeding, predators


Chrysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) is a predator used in biological pest control, so establishing laboratory breeding methods is essential for the use of these organisms in the field. The objective of this work was to obtain the biological and population parameters of this species under laboratory conditions. The experiment was carried out in the Laboratory of Biological Control of the College of Postgraduates, Puebla Campus in 2021; with a population collected in the vegetable-growing area in Los Reyes de Juárez, Puebla. Following a standardized breeding protocol and after the population was adapted to the laboratory conditions, bioassays were performed to obtain the population parameters, individualizing 50 eggs in Petri dishes, and observing the development until the adult stage. Three couples of adults were formed and followed until death. The preoviposition period was 4.6 days, average longevity of 53 days, on average a female laid a total of 1 289 eggs, 25.56 eggs per day, and a hatching of 88.35%. The average development from egg to adult was 24.19 days with cumulative survival of 32% and a sex ratio of 0.6, the rm value was 0.18014. The knowledge generated in this work has been very useful to program the breeding of this insect, obtain egg production on certain dates, and for people who would like to engage in the breeding of this predator.


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How to Cite

Huerta-de la Peña, Arturo, Martha Azucena Díaz-Rivas, and Miguel Aragón-Sánchez. 2023. “Population Parameters of Chrysoperla Carnea under Laboratory Conditions in Puebla”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 14 (29). México, ME:e3546. https://doi.org/10.29312/remexca.v14i29.3546.




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