Conidial reproduction of Trichoderma asperelloides in culture media and organic substrates


  • Ángel R. Ceballos-Chávez Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Av. Japaraqui y Calle 16 S/N, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110
  • Blanca E. López-Valenzuela Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Av. Japaraqui y Calle 16 S/N, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110
  • Fernando A. Valenzuela- Escoboza Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Av. Japaraqui y Calle 16 S/N, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110
  • Everardo López-Bautista Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Av. Japaraqui y Calle 16 S/N, Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, México. CP. 81110
  • Hector A. Marquez-Lujan Departamento de Agricultura Sustentable y Protegida-Universidad Tecnológica de la Babícora. Carretera Soto Máynez-Gómez Farias, Col. Oscar Soto Máynez, Namiquipa, Chihuahua, México. CP. 31963
  • Leidy E. Chávez-García Departamento de Tecnología Ambiental-Universidad Tecnológica de la Tarahumara. Carretera Guachochi-Yoquivo km 1.5, Turuseachi, Guachohi, Chihuahua, México. CP. 33180



antagonist, concentration, growth, strain


The use of plant extracts for disease control in the framework of sustainable agriculture is a promising alternative due to their high effectiveness, low cost, and non-polluting nature of the environment. This work aimed to evaluate the biological activity of the conidial reproduction of Trichoderma asperelloides in culture media and organic substrates. Four strains of T. asperelloides were evaluated in solid substrates of rice, corn, sorghum, wheat, cornstarch powder and oats with peel of yellow peach native to the region; 250 g was added in polyethylene bags with an aliquot of 15 ml of distilled water, with the fungus and in glass jars, 10 mycelial discs of 0.5 cm diameter were added per strain during 45 days of incubation; in addition, the growth of T. asperelloides was tested in culture media of 5% V8 vegetable juice, potato dextrose agar, sabouraud dextrose agar, 5 g of PDA with wheat powder supplement, 5 g of potato dextrose agar with pine sawdust supplement, 5 g of sabouraud dextrose agar with eucalyptus powder supplement, bacteriological agar and MacConkey agar during seven days of growth; to obtain the conidia, serial dilutions were made with six replications per culture medium, with a concentration of 1 x 106. One hundred percent conidial reproduction was obtained in organic substrates and 87.5% mycelial growth in culture media and strain 3 was shown to have the highest conidial production.


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How to Cite

Ceballos-Chávez, Ángel R., Blanca E. López-Valenzuela, Fernando A. Valenzuela- Escoboza, Everardo López-Bautista, Hector A. Marquez-Lujan, and Leidy E. Chávez-García. 2025. “Conidial Reproduction of Trichoderma Asperelloides in Culture Media and Organic Substrates”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 16 (1). México, ME:e3510.


