Production of forage leguminous species at different cutting times in Tolima, Colombia
adaptation, interaction, potential, stabilizationAbstract
Different studies have shown that leguminous forage species have a high impact and value in silvopastoral systems in terms of the contribution they represent for livestock feeding, based on the increase in both the potential of soils and the production of meat for livestock. The objective was to determine the productive potential in terms of dry matter in two contrasting seasons, dry and wet, for the leguminous species Albizia guachapele (Kunth) Dugand, Albizia niopoides (Benth.) Burkart, Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr., and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. This study was conducted at the Nataima Research Center of the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation, located in the municipality of Espinal-Tolima, Colombia, between March and August 2018. A design of repeated measures over time and arrangement of randomized complete blocks, four treatments, and two evaluation periods were used, and eight interactions between the species and rainy season factors were worked on. The species A. guachapele presented the best productive potential compared to the others; there were statistical differences for cutting times in the species evaluated, and a high variability effect was observed due to the time factor. A. saman was the least productive species, while production stabilization was demonstrated for all those evaluated over time. There was no significant bidirectional interaction for the season factor, and the best performance corresponded to those carried out in the dry season. This allowed a greater expression of the productive potential as a food alternative for low rainfall areas.
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