Physiological indices of seven forage species in different tropical environments


  • Erika Andrea Hernández Engineering in Agronomy-Higher Technological Institute of Tantoyuca. Deviation Lindero Tametate s/n, La Morita. ZC. 92100.
  • Carlos Vicente Duran Castro Faculty of the Department of Animal Science-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences-National University of Colombia. Carrera 32 12-00, Palmira headquarters, Colombia. ZC. 763531.
  • Bernardo Silva Aguilar San Carlos Sugar Mill. Via Riofrío, km 3, Tuluá, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. ZC. 763028.
  • Francisco Indalecio Juárez Lagunes Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics-Veracruz University. Miguel Angel de Quevedo s/n, corner Yanez, col. Veracruzana University, Veracruz, Mexico. ZC. 91710.
  • Oscar Mauricio Vélez Terranova Faculty of the Department of Animal Science-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences-National University of Colombia. Carrera 32 12-00, Palmira headquarters, Colombia. ZC. 763531.
  • María Sara Mejía de Tafur Faculty of the Department of Animal Science-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences-National University of Colombia. Carrera 32 12-00, Palmira headquarters, Colombia. ZC. 763531.



adaptability, altitude, forages, seasons


Forages must constantly carry out adaptation processes to the different changes in environmental factors, which leads to their physiological variables being affected. The objective was to evaluate the physiological behavior of seven tropical forage species under different environmental conditions during 2019 in Palmira, Colombia. A randomized complete block design was implemented, in three locations with different altitudes, with four repetitions per species for a total of 28 experimental units per locality. A Lcpro+ portable photosynthetic measurement analyzer was used to collect data on the photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and internal CO2. The data collected were analyzed using by means of a comparison of means with the Duncan test (p≤ 0.05). The physiological indicators of the species Estrella, Kikuyu and the legume Centrosema molle at the three altitudes and the two seasons would demonstrate the adaptation mechanisms that they develop in adverse places in which they settle.


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How to Cite

Hernández, Erika Andrea, Carlos Vicente Duran Castro, Bernardo Silva Aguilar, Francisco Indalecio Juárez Lagunes, Oscar Mauricio Vélez Terranova, and María Sara Mejía de Tafur. 2022. “Physiological Indices of Seven Forage Species in Different Tropical Environments”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (6). México, ME:965-75.




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