Influence of crop age on the production and physicochemical composition of Ataulfo mango
Mangifera indica L., harvested crates, pulp, quality classificationAbstract
For the producers of Acapetahua, it is essential to know the age at which the crops will produce the highest quantity of quality mangoes due to the profits obtained from their sale. To this end, in 2021, the quantitative and experimental methodology was applied in three cultivars (7, 12, and 22 years old) to evaluate the production behavior through a linear regression analysis and the Anova of the physical characteristics of the fruits: total fresh mass of the fruit (TFMF), fruit length (FL), fruit diameter (FD), peel weight (PW), seed weight (SW), and pulp weight (PW), as well as color angles L, a* and b* (peel and pulp) and proximate chemical composition (moisture, total ash, lipid, crude fiber, crude protein, and total soluble solids) by Tukey’s test at 5%. The production of first-quality mangoes showed a favorable trend over time as the harvested crates increased at an older age of the crop. The best physical characteristics were found in first-quality fruits from the 22-year-old crop: TFMF (320.2 g), length (11.58 cm), diameter (6.62 cm), PW (69.8 g), SW (33.5 g), and PW (209.3 g); on the other hand, color attributes (L, a*, and b*) were observed outstanding in first-quality fruits from the seven-year-old crop both in the peel and in the pulp. It was concluded that the 22-year-old crop has a higher production of high-quality fruits, and the quality decreases as the crop age decreases.
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