Yield and quality of seven varieties of sugarcane in El Mante, Tamaulipas
Saccharum officinarum L., Brix, processable stalks, sucroseAbstract
The agro-industrial yield and juice quality of seven varieties (IMMEX 91-589, XMEX 91-917, IMMEX 95-25, MEX 95-59, ATEMEX 96-40, MEX 96-60 and IMMEX 98-13) of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), plus CP 72-2086 as a control, were evaluated at the beginning of maturity. The experiment was conducted in El Mante, Tamaulipas, Mexico, between 2019 and 2020, under a randomized complete block design, with four repetitions and considering the varieties as a treatment. The variables were the yield of processable stalks (PSY) and sugar (SY), degrees Brix (oBx), sucrose concentration (S), purity (P), reducing sugars (Rs), moisture (M) and fiber (F). It was obtained that all showed significant statistical differences (p≤ 0.05) between varieties, except M and F (p> 0.05). In PSY, they increased the yield between 2.8 and 20% with respect to the control, except for IMMEX 98-13, which decreased 9.5%, and in SY all were equal to the control, except MEX 95-59 and IMMEX 98-13, which decreased the yield by 25.3 and 18.8%, respectively. As for Brix, S, P and Rs, all varieties obtained values similar to CP 72-2086 and in some cases they differed from each other. The results indicated that the varieties XMEX 91-917 and IMMEX 95-25 surpassed the control variety in PSY, while in SY and juice quality, they matched it, so they can be an option to diversify the varieties in the region of the state.
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