Agricultural activities and use of glyphosate in the ejido of Bella Esperanza, Coatepec, Veracruz


  • Rosalba Argumedo Delira Instituto de Química Aplicada-Universidad Veracruzana. Luis Castelazo Ayala s/n, Col. Industrial Animas, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. CP. 91190
  • Laura Marcela Durán Molina Posgrado en Ciencias Agropecuarias-Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas-Universidad Veracruzana. Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán s/n, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. CP. 91000
  • Oscar García Barradas Instituto de Química Aplicada-Universidad Veracruzana. Luis Castelazo Ayala s/n, Col. Industrial Animas, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. CP. 91190
  • María Esther Díaz Martínez Posgrado en Ciencias Agropecuarias-Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas-Universidad Veracruzana. Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán s/n, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. CP. 91000
  • Mario J. Gómez Martínez Departamento Producción y Sanidad Vegetal-Facultad de Ingeniería Agronómica-Universidad del Tolima. Barrio Santa Helena, Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia. CP. 730001
  • Guillermo Mendoza Cervantes Centro de Investigación en Micología Aplicada-Universidad Veracruzana. Médicos no. 5, U. H. del Bosque, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. CP. 91010



Citrus latifolia Tanaka, glyphosate, pesticide, weeds


Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that has been applied to agricultural fields in more than 200 countries for 40 years. Due to recent studies that demonstrated its relationship as a carcinogen, a worldwide debate has opened about its use and prohibition. Mexico has joined the movement to ban its use in the decree issued in December 2020. Due to its constant application, residual glyphosate impacts different environmental compartments, including the soil. Therefore, the objective was to identify the agricultural practices and weed management used in the ejido of Bella Esperanza, Coatepec, Veracruz, as part of the characterization of the sampling site for the research project on the bioremediation of glyphosate with endogenous microorganisms. Through a field approach, surveys were carried out with producers in the area, where the results showed that 54% use glyphosate as their primary weed control. They do not use any protective equipment either and consider glyphosate a product harmless to the environment. In the same way, the result of this study observed that the ejido of Bella Esperanza is a suitable sampling area for studying microorganisms with possible applications in bioremediation.


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How to Cite

Argumedo Delira, Rosalba, Laura Marcela Durán Molina, Oscar García Barradas, María Esther Díaz Martínez, Mario J. Gómez Martínez, and Guillermo Mendoza Cervantes. 2024. “Agricultural Activities and Use of Glyphosate in the Ejido of Bella Esperanza, Coatepec, Veracruz”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 15 (2). México, ME:e3204.




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