Rescue of traditional agricultural knowledge in the ñätho hñähñu


  • Manuel Osornio Aguiar Master of Science in Rural Sociology-Chapingo Autonomous University. Mexico-Texcoco highway km 38.5, Chapingo, State of Mexico. CP. 56230



agricultural, biocultural, knowledge, Otomi


The ñätho hñähñu are an ancient people and legitimate owners of the territories that today comprise the center and north of the State of Mexico, over the centuries they forge a way of life reciprocal and complementary with their environment, creating a worldview integrated into their territory and a complex system of symbols that give rise to their language, an essential element of their biocultural heritage and their knowledge that make it possible to structure the system of agricultural knowledge and develop the milpa and the backyard -Huähi ne Nxutahngu- and integrate them into their environment as an irreplaceable agroecological unit, in harmony with their worldview and consistent supplier of foods, medicines and raw materials, the study was conducted in March and September 2017 and 2018. The agricultural praxis of the Otomi is based on the rescue and reappraisal of their technical knowledge, built and validated based on accumulated experiences as means to overcome climatological and geographical conditions, guarantee their survival and reproduce as a society in a territory. That is, the system of symbols allows them to be collectivized in individual action by transferring the knowledge not only from the old man -Xhita- to children and grandchildren, but between families and localities of the same ethnicity, validating and collectivizing its social function.


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How to Cite

Osornio Aguiar, Manuel. 2022. “Rescue of Traditional Agricultural Knowledge in the ñätho hñähñu”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (4). México, ME:727-33.



Investigation notes