Organic amendments in the growth of Stevia rebaudiana in Tabasco
fertilizers, manure, medicinal plant, vermicompostAbstract
The crop of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is an alternative for the replacement of some sweeteners due to its yield and short growth periods. Nevertheless, before proposing this species in tropical areas, it is necessary to generate information on agronomic management under particular edaphoclimatic conditions. The objective was to evaluate the effect of organic amendments on the growth of Stevia rebaudiana in Tabasco, Mexico. The experiment was established in raised beds in the open field, under a system of tape irrigation and mulching in August 2019. The design was completely randomized with three repetitions, in which the following was evaluated, three organic materials as organic amendments: sheep manure, bovine manure and vermicompost, and a chemical fertilizer as a control. Survival at transplantation was determined, and growth variables were measured: survival percentage, plant height, number of shoots, root length, dry weight of leaves, stem and root, as well as foliar nutrient concentration. The results indicated that the plants grown with VC was the best treatment as it obtained the highest values in all the variables evaluated: 98.9% survival at transplantation, 40 cm plant height, 17.7 root length, 11.49 g total dry biomass. No statistical differences were found in foliar nutrient concentration for macroelements. According to the findings, it is concluded that the use of vermicompost as an organic amendment improves the growth of the stevia crop.
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