Characterization of guava grown in Mexico


  • José Ramón Suárez-Toledo Postgraduate Program in Systems Engineering-Biophysical Systems-National Polytechnic Institute. Colonia Lindavista, Mexico City, Mexico. ZC. 07738
  • Claudia Hernández-Aguilar Postgraduate Program in Systems Engineering-Biophysical Systems-National Polytechnic Institute. Colonia Lindavista, Mexico City, Mexico. ZC. 07738
  • Flavio Arturo Domínguez-Pacheco Postgraduate Program in Systems Engineering-Biophysical Systems-National Polytechnic Institute. Colonia Lindavista, Mexico City, Mexico. ZC. 07738
  • Francisco Javier Aceves-Hernandez Postgraduate Program in Systems Engineering-Biophysical Systems-National Polytechnic Institute. Colonia Lindavista, Mexico City, Mexico. ZC. 07738



agronomic cultivation, commercialization standards, genetic diversity, morphological characteristics, reliability block method


Guava (Psidium guajava) can be characterized by its genetic diversity and its morphological, physicochemical and biological attributes, which depend on exogenous factors such as: agronomic cultivation, harvest season and maturity. Characterized by its content of carbohydrates (13.2%), fats (0.53%), proteins (0.88%) and high moisture content (84.9%). It is important to characterize the ‘media china’ guava grown in the municipality of Juárez, Michoacán, with the aim of improving morphological, physicochemical, biological and nutritional characteristics and statistical variables in quality control to correlate them to the possibility of industrializing it and international trade. For this purpose, the systemic methodology of ‘reliability block diagrams’ was used, which included random sampling of guava for study, in which the following are determined: weight, longitudinal diameter, transverse diameter, pulp, thickness and pH. The following were obtained: arithmetic mean, variance and standard deviation, variables to graph and compare with established standards for national and international trade. As a result, it was found that guava from the municipality of Juárez, Michoacán showed the best results in its characterization. The guava grown in the orchard of the municipality of Calvillo in the state of Aguascalientes presented lower results, it was observed that the quality was exceeded by the fruit of Juárez, Michoacán. The characteristics in size, visual appearance, seed content of the fruit, observed in the samples compete with those of commercial varieties. The analysis of this research infers the following conclusions: the productive system of the crop in the state of Michoacán and Aguascalientes is in a position to offer guava of good quality for national and international trade, due to the good agricultural practices applied and its registration in the National Service of Health, Safety and Agrifood Quality of the General Directorate of Plant Health of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development.


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How to Cite

Suárez-Toledo, José Ramón, Claudia Hernández-Aguilar, Flavio Arturo Domínguez-Pacheco, and Francisco Javier Aceves-Hernandez. 2022. “Characterization of Guava Grown in Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 13 (7). México, ME:1233-45.




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