Bioprospecting of beneficial insects in agroecological and organic production systems in San Luis Potosí
agroecosystems, diversity, dominance, entomofauna, vegetablesAbstract
Insect bioprospecting was carried out in two horticultural production units, an organic one called Casa Garambullo located in Villa de Hidalgo and an agroecological one called Granja Doña Mary located in Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, both in the state of San Luis Potosí. The diversity of insect species, beneficial or not, present in these localities was determined. To this end, horticultural production units were compared through the number of insect species over four weeks, using entomological net, water traps and yellow sticky traps. From these captures, a count of individuals was made, and they were classified by order and family. It was found that the largest number of specimens of beneficial insects was collected in the water traps. In the crops of corn in development, corn in postharvest, squash in development, squash in postharvest and chard of Casa Garambullo and Granja Doña Mary, 8 families of beneficial insects were identified: Vespidae, Apidae, Syrphidae, Eulophidae, Crabronidae, Formicidae, Cynipidae, Coccinellidae. Despite the homogeneity in the orders, the collection of arthropods in the organic production system ‘Casa Garambullo’ located in Villa de Hidalgo showed a greater number of beneficial insects compared to the agroecological production system Doña Mary in Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, in terms of diversity, the dominance of species and specific biodiversity in both localities was low; however, the diversity of species in the localities studied was high.
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