Typology of cape gooseberry producers in the department of Nariño, Colombia
Family agriculture, Andean fruits, Statisical analysis, TypologyAbstract
For a long time, the segment of production of exotic fruits has been positioning itself as an important productive and economic alternative to traditional crops in several regions of the country. Particularly, cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) has shown a notable increase in productive areas and international trade, which consolidates it as a species with high potential in the segment of cold climate fruits. In the department of Nariño (Colombia), the introduction of the crop is relatively recent, so there is still a need to know in detail the productive and environmental conditions in which the crop is produced and the socioeconomic characteristics of the producers in the region. For this, a characterization survey was designed, applied to cape gooseberry producers in the department of Nariño between 2019 and 2020. The information obtained was subjected to multivariate factor analysis of mixed data (FAMD) and multiple correspondence analysis MCA for categorical variables and the hierarchical cluster-type analysis, through Ward’s algorithm, as a result, eight variables with discriminatory power were identified, which made up three clusters. Each group with distinctive characteristics in relation to the production area, degree of technification of the crop, use of labor and marketing strategies, among others, which give a clear specificity. With the information generated, it is expected to develop studies aimed at adjusting agronomic production models adapted to the environmental and socioeconomic conditions of growers. Additionally, the results obtained constitute a fundamental input for the orientation of policies to strengthen the regional chain.
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