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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The manuscript has not been previously published nor has it been submitted to any other journal.
  • 2. The authorization letter (available here) is attached and signed by all the authors in PDF format.
  • 3. It is a product of scientific research.
  • 4. The abstracts in Spanish and English include: objective, methodology, resulted, findings or conclusions.
  • 5. Three key words related to the topic, methodology, results and discussion of the article are included.
  • 6. The ascription institution of each author is explicitly indicated with no abbreviations, indicating the country.
  • 7. The methodology is defined, results presented, as well conclusions are discussed.
  • 8. Drafting, coherence clarity and spelling were carefully revised.
  • 9. The ethical aspects of social research were properly addressed.
  • 10. The text file is in word processor format, figures in JPG, and graphs in spreadsheets.
  • 12. All figures are indicated in the approximate places in the text and their source is included.
  • 13. Only the bibliography cited in text is included.
  • 14. Whenever possible, URL/DOI addressed are provided for the references.
  • 15. In the case of sending the text to the peer review section, instructions in securing an anonymous review are followed (please suppress names and any reference to the authors in the file).

Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

 The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas (REMEXCA), offers researchers in agricultural sciences and related areas, a means to publish research results. Writings of theoretical or experimental research will be accepted, in the formats of scientific article, research note, essay and description of cultivars. Each document will be refereed and edited by a group of experts designated by the editorial committee; Only original and unpublished writings in Spanish that are not proposed in other magazines are accepted.

Contributions to be published in REMEXCA must be double- spaced (including tables and figures) and using Arial size 12 throughout the manuscript, with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. Pages must be numbered in the lower right corner and lines must be numbered starting with 1 on each page. The sections: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and cited literature must be written in upper and lower case and bold, aligned to the left.

Scientific article. Original and unpublished writing based on research results, in which the interaction of two or more treatments has been studied in various experiments, locations and years to obtain valid conclusions. Articles must be 18 pages long (including tables and figures) and contain the following sections:

1) title; 2) authors; 3) work institution of authors; 4) address of authors for correspondence and e-mail; 5) abstract; 6) keywords;

7) introduction; 8) materials and methods; 9) results and discussion; 10) conclusions and 11) literature cited.

Research note. A document containing preliminary and significant results that the author wishes to publish before concluding his/her research; it is eight pages long (including tables and figures); it contains the same sections as a scientific article, but paragraphs 7 to 9 are written in consecutive text; that is, without the title of the section.

Essay. A summary document generated from the analysis of important and current topics for the scientific community, in which the author expresses his/her opinion and establishes his/her conclusions on the topic discussed; it must be 18 pages long (including tables and figures). It contains paragraphs 1 to 6, 10 and 11 of the scientific article. The development of the content of the essay is dealt with in paragraphs according to the topic, from whose discussion conclusions are generated.


Description of cultivars. Written with the purpose of providing the scientific community with the origin and characteristics of the new variety, clone, hybrid, etc.; with a maximum length of eight pages (including tables and figures), it contains sections 1 to 6 and 10 to 11 of the scientific article. The descriptions of cultivars are in consecutive text, with relevant information on the importance of the cultivar, origin, genealogy, method of obtaining, phenotypic and agronomic characteristics (climatic conditions, soil type, resistance to pests, diseases and yield), quality characteristics (commercial, industrial, nutritional, etc.) and availability of the seed.


Format of the writing

 Title. It must provide a clear and precise idea of the writing, using 12 words maximum; it must be in uppercase, lowercase and bold, centered at the top.

Authors. Include a maximum of six authors; the names must be presented in full (first names and two surnames). Justified immediately below the title, without academic degrees and without job titles; at the end of each name, numerical indexes will be placed and reference will be made to these, immediately below the authors; where, the name of the institution to which they belong and official address of each author will be included; including postal code, telephone number and emails; and indicate the author for correspondence.

Summary and abstract. Present a summary of 250 words maximum, containing the following: justification, objectives, place and year in which the research was carried out, brief description of the materials and methods used, results, and conclusions; the text is written consecutively.


Keywords and keywords. They are written after the summary and serve to include the scientific article in indexes and information systems. Select three or four words and do not include words used in the title. The scientific names of the species mentioned in the summary should be placed as keywords and keywords.

Introduction. Its content must be related to the specific topic and the purpose of the research; It indicates the problem and importance of the research, the bibliographical background that supports the hypothesis and the objectives.

Materials and methods. It includes the description of the experimental site, materials, equipment, methods, techniques and experimental designs used in the research.

Results and discussion. Present the results obtained in the research and point out similarities or divergences with those reported in another published research. In the discussion, highlight the cause-effect relationship derived from the analysis.

Conclusions. Write conclusions derived from the relevant results, related to the objectives and hypothesis of the work.

Cited literature. Preferably include recent bibliographical citations of scientific articles from recognized journals; do not include conference abstracts, theses, internal reports, web pages, etc. All citations mentioned in the text must appear in the cited literature.


General observations

 In the original document, figures and tables must use units of the international system (SI). In addition, include the files of the figures separately in the original program where it was created, in such a way that it allows, if necessary, to make modifications; in case of including photographs, these must be original, scanned in high resolution and the electronic file must be sent separately. The title of the figures is written in upper and lower case, in bold; In bar and pie charts, use clearly contrasting fill textures; for line charts, use different symbols.

The title of the tables is written in upper and lower case, in bold; the tables should not exceed one page, nor be closed with vertical lines; only three horizontal lines are accepted, the column headers go between the first two lines and the third serves to end the table; in addition, they should be numbered progressively as they are cited in the text and contain the necessary information so that they are easy to interpret. The information contained in the tables should not be duplicated in the figures and vice versa, and in both cases include statistical comparisons.

Literature references at the beginning or in the middle of the text, use the surname(s) and the year of publication in parentheses; for example, Cob (2024) or Rammah and Yang (2024) if there are two authors. If the citation is at the end of the text, place the surname(s), comma and the year in parentheses; example: (Brugger, 2024) or (Whitelam and Franklin, 2024). If the cited publication has more than two authors, the first surname of the main author is written, followed by the abbreviation et al. and the year of publication; the form of presentation in the text is: Schwentesius et al. (2024) or at the end of the text (Allori et al., 2024). In the case of organizations, place the abbreviations or initials; for example, FAO (2024) or (FAO, 2024).


Ways to cite literature

Articles in periodical publications. Citations must be 1) Write the first surname in full of a comma and the initial(s) of the first names with a period. To separate two authors, use the conjunction <and> or its equivalent in the language in which the work is written. When there are more than two authors, they are separated with a semicolon, and between the penultimate and the last author, use the conjunction <and> or its equivalent. If it is an organization, write the full name and its initials in parentheses; 2) year of publication period; 3) title of the article period; 4) country where it is published period, name of the journal period and 5) journal and volume number in parentheses colon, page number of the initial and final page of the article, separated by a hyphen (i.e. 8(43):763-775).

Serial publications and books. 1) author(s), same as for articles; 2) year of publication, period; 3) title of the work, period. 4) if it is a translation (indicate the edition number and language, name of the translator, period; 5) name of the publisher, period;6) edition number, period; 7) place where the work was published (city, state, country), period; 8) for a pamphlet, series, or collection, indicate the name and number, period; and 9) total number of pages (i.e. 150 p.) or pages consulted (i.e. 30-45 pp.).

Articles, chapters, or summaries in collective works (books, compendiums, memoirs, etc.). 1) author(s), same as for articles; 2) year of publication, period; 3) title of the article, chapter, or memoir, period; 4) Latin expression In: 5) title of the collective work, period; 6) editor(s), compiler(s) or coordinator(s) of the collective work [annotated the same as the author(s) of the article] period, the abbreviation (ed. or eds.), (comp. or comps.) or (coord. or coords.) is placed in parentheses, as the case may be, period; 7) if it is a translation (same as for serial publications and books); 8) edition number, period; 9) name of the publisher, period; 10) place where it was published (city, state, country), period; and 11) pages that comprise the article, linked by a hyphen and put a lowercase pp (i.e. 15-35 pp.).


Sending articles to:

 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas. Campo Experimental Valle de México. INIFAP. Carretera Los Reyes-Texcoco, km 13.5. Coatlinchán, Texcoco, State of Mexico. CP 56250. Tel: 55 38 71

87 00. Ext. 85353. Email:


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