Assessment of tolerance to glyphosate and glufosinate in genetically modified cotton shoots


  • Mara Cristina Kleinpaul-Steinke Programa de Posgrado en Ambientes y Sistemas de Producción-Universidad Estatal de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT. Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brasil.
  • Marco Antonio Camillo de Carvalho Programa de Posgrado en Ambientes y Sistemas de Producción-Universidad Estatal de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT. Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brasil.
  • Oscar Mitsuo-Yamashita Programa de Posgrado en Biodiversidad y Agroecosistemas Amazónicos-Universidad Estatal de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT. Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil
  • Rivanildo Dallacort Programa de Posgrado en Biodiversidad y Agroecosistemas Amazónicos-Universidad Estatal de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT. Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil
  • Dejania Vieira de Araújo Programa de Posgrado en Ambientes y Sistemas de Producción-Universidad Estatal de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT. Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brasil.



Gossypium hirsutum, chemical destruction, glytol, regrowth


Destruction of the harvest of cotton stalks should be done after it. However, destruction by ploughing prevents continuing with direct sowing, which makes chemical management an ally in soil conservation. The objective was to identify the most effective dose of 2,4-D, associated with different herbicides and the timing of administration for the control of transgenic cotton shoots for tolerance to glyphosate and glufosinate. The treatments consisted of the use of the herbicide 2,4-D, alone at doses of 670 and 1 340 g ha-1, and associated with the herbicides carfentrazone, flumiclorac, chlorimuron, flumioxazin and imazethapyr at three application times: 0 days after mechanical mowing (0 DAMM), 25 DAMM, and 0 DAMM + 25 DAMM. Regrowth evaluations were performed at 15, 30, and 45 days after the first and second applications, determining the dry biomass of the shoots. In terms of herbicide use time, the best results are obtained when they applied at 0 DAMM + 25 DAMM. Higher doses of 2,4-D (1 324 g ha-1) make it more efficient; in relation to herbicides, variations were perceived in their behavior depending on the time of evaluation, the application, and the dose of 2,4-D used. During the last measurement period, 45 days after application, 2,4-D+carfentrazone and 2,4-D+flumiclorac had the lowest dry shoot masses. The experiment was conducted in 2014. It was concluded that there is a lower rate of cotton regrowth when the application of the herbicides is repeated at 0 DAMM and 25 DAMM. The 1 324 g ha-1 dose of 2,4-D is more efficient. 2,4-D+carfentrazone and 2,4-D+flumiclorac promoted lower dry mass 45 days after administration of the treatments.


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How to Cite

Kleinpaul-Steinke, Mara Cristina, Marco Antonio Camillo de Carvalho, Oscar Mitsuo-Yamashita, Rivanildo Dallacort, and Dejania Vieira de Araújo. 2024. “Assessment of Tolerance to Glyphosate and Glufosinate in Genetically Modified Cotton Shoots”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agrícolas 15 (2). México, ME:e3423.




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